I'm delighted that Mandy HERE has given me this award.
This award has a few rules that go with it -
1) Thank the person who nominated you for this award
2) Copy the logo and place it on your blog
3) Link the person who nominated you for this award
4) Name 7 things about yourself people might find interesting
5) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers
6) Post links to the seven blogs you nominate
7) Leave comments on all 7 blogs letting them know you nominated them
2) Copy the logo and place it on your blog
3) Link the person who nominated you for this award
4) Name 7 things about yourself people might find interesting
5) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers
6) Post links to the seven blogs you nominate
7) Leave comments on all 7 blogs letting them know you nominated them
That was a difficult task as I'm influenced by lots of talent out there. But it's 7 I must pick and so, I NOMINATE:-
Maria HERE
Diane HERE
Julie HERE
Meahni HERE
1. The day my first child was born was the best day of my life, and then I was blessed with another three :0) and the arrival of my lovely grandchildren comes a very close second.
2. I count my blessings daily and sorely miss the family and friends no longer with us.
3. Regret not studying at school :0(
4. If I didn't have wheels I'd be lost.
5. I love the get-togethers with my crafting friends.
6. I miss my last two dogs so much (Carla and Simba) it breaks my heart.
7. The biggest mistake I've ever made is buying a pub in 2001 - which cleaned us out! But, I think I still have my sanity for what it's worth :0) LOL and they say you must never look back but learn from our mistakes - yeh, but I'd rather have me money back [giggle]
Goodness me, I hope that lot doesn't make me sound like a right old misery coz I'm really a very happy bunny TTFN
Awww, thank you for the award! You're a sweetheart. I'm sorry about your dogs. . .I would miss my dogs too if they were gone. I hope one day you get your money back in some form or manner. At least you tried. . .it's better to try than never knowing. . .right?
Keep up the creative work on your blog. You're doing a fabulous job!
Thanks so much for my award Di. Some of my buns are approaching 'old age' and i am appreciating every minute i have with them. I'd be totally lost without them so i can sympathise greatly with your loss of Carla & Simba. and i do so love the friendship and comraderie that crafting brings. Get togethers with like minded crafty folk is just the job. It's comforting to know there are some good people still about ! Mel x
Thankyou so much this is a lovely surprise! i have not put it on my blog yet as i am thinking of what to put!! i'm not that interesting!!lol!
Have a great hols, i know where you are going love wales i used to so to abersoch a lot, my bro had a boat there. Dont go anymore as he has emigrated to Spian. Miss it, it was lots of fun!
You have fun
Hugs Di xx
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