Hiya blogging friends :)
This deadline was hard to achieve as we had sad news on Sunday morning that an old friend had suddenly passed away .
So between phone calls to the family, and making the sympathy card, my time schedule was well and truly under pressure.
But, make it I have :) Using another fabulous template from -
Melanie dreams up such clever ideas for boxes and these 2 are no exception!
Using double sided paper from K&Company (CLASSIC).
I've not 'fancied' them up yet as I may use these two boxes for my Grandsons' Christmas money and would rather leave them simple.
Here's the Sled -
and, "Where's the box", you may ask!
Ahah! ............................................................
And the Sleigh........................
Another view of the Sleigh.................................................
There's an optional panel for the Sleigh so as to conceal a gift inside - clever or what???
So summing up, Melanie has done it again. It's been so intriguing working with the templates from
A joy to work with with great results - Thank You Melanie :)
Many thanks for stopping by :)